In this episode, The Annuity Man and GUEST discuss: 

Why annuities get a bad rep  What’s a tontine?  Beating inflation  Planning for health decline 


Key Takeaways: 

Annuities are often complicated, and they are typically sold to a group of vulnerable people. That could be a recipe for disaster. A tontine was one of the many ways that people used to finance themselves in retirement; it was a scheme in which the longest living people got the most amount of people, and the people that didn’t live a long time got a small amount of income - it was a type of annuity.  With a tontine scheme, the denominator keeps getting smaller as time goes by while the numerator stays the same - meaning the same amount of money is being split between fewer people. Mortality becomes a real interest rate. People don’t care much about this because inflation wasn’t that much of a hot topic, but nowadays, people should look into it.  There’s a big difference between health span and life span, but they can have a short gap in between. Long-term health care is important because it allows you to use more of your lifetime income for things you like rather than split them between things you like and things you need. 


"You have a product that’s meant to help people that are eventually going to cognitively decline and help them deal with the finances; there’s a higher burden of care there because you gotta make sure that they understand what they’re buying, they continue to understand what they’re buying and in many cases, annuities are quite complicated." —  Moshe Milevsky.


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