In this episode, The Annuity Man and Marcia Mantell discuss: 

The good news that came with inflation What inflation really does  Medicare Advantage or Medigap



Key Takeaways: 

Social security got a large boost. On the one hand, we’re all lamenting inflation, but then those who are getting social security or are waiting to claim will get the benefit of an 8.7% increase.  Inflation makes us rethink priorities. It makes us have to reset our budgets and be more mindful about what we buy.  To know whether Medicare Advantage is better for you or Medigap, you must decide what’s important to you. Medigap is about maximizing flexibility and having a steady budget throughout your retirement years. Medicare advantage is if you’re fine doing co-pay and being in a network.  You can either get a financial advisor or do a lot of reading. There is a ton of information available; the challenge would be sorting out which information matters to you. 


"You do need a financial advisor. The good news is there is tons of information out there. The bad news is there's tons of information out there; how do you sort through it?" —  Marcia Mantell.


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