In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

What does Inverted Annuity Yield Curve mean?  An opportunity in current events  Are A++ companies too big to fail?  Annuities are not bonds 


Key Takeaways: 

An Inverted Annuity Yield Curve is when the two-year treasury rate is higher than the ten-year treasury rate. Typically when that happens, that’s a pre-determinant of a possible upcoming recession. The big carriers are popping to the top of the MYGA fees. A month ago, A++ carrier MYGA fees were way down the list, 50 or 75 basis points lower than the highest lead for that duration.  The only scenario in which we will see A++ companies failing is if the world goes into apocalypse-esque or anarchic conditions.  Annuities are not bonds! The only product comparison between bonds and annuities is in Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities or MYGAs because they both have a guaranteed coupon. 


"Where these A++ companies are being competitive is at the three-year and five-year level - oh my goodness, pound the table, take a look, don’t hesitate!" —  Stan the Annuity Man.


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