In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

People who grew up poor see money differently The difference is in the perspective  Checking the background of your advisor  Your retirement is not a game 


Key Takeaways: 

People who experience poverty see money differently and often have a healthy respect for it. It would hurt them personally to see money lost, even when it’s another person.  A person who grew up rich isn’t necessarily going to be a bad financial advisor. However, there is a huge difference in perspective. People who grew up poor don’t see money as replaceable. Your money should be a big deal for your advisor as it is for you.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your advisor’s background. It’s your money, not theirs, so you’ve got to ensure that the right people will steward your money.  Do not let people treat your money and retirement like a game. Have them treat it personally, own it, and feel horrific if something bad goes wrong with your money. 


"Financial advice is not a game. The markets are not a game. Your retirement is not a game. Your lifestyle is not a game. Do not let people treat it like a game." —  Stan The Annuity Man. 


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