In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

Buying contractual guarantees 

Keeping it simple with annuities

Annuities that adjust for inflation


Key Takeaways: 

Buy annuities only for their contractual guarantees. Don’t buy an annuity for hypothetical, theoretical, back-tested returns. Don’t buy an annuity for the upfront bonus.  Buy an annuity for what it will do, not what it might do. 

Annuities are supposed to be simple. You should understand your annuity contract enough to be able to explain it to a nine-year-old. 

Annuity companies don't give away Cost of Living Adjustments or potential index increases, and instead severely lower the initial payment compared to the same annuity without those potential increases.


"Annuity decisions should be simple and contractual, they have to be both. They can’t be one or the other." —  Stan The Annuity Man. 


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