In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

What are Black Swan Events?  How current events affect everything  Making a decision solely for your life  Considering guarantees always 


Key Takeaways: 

When something strange happens, something you’re not prepared for, something you’re not used to seeing, or an event that’s entirely unique, then it’s a black swan.  In just 90 days, we’ve seen interest rates move up and then down because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This event affects everything.  Forget the black swan event. Making decisions around annuities should always be based on your situation, about what you’re trying to do right now.  Own an annuity not for what it might do but for what it will do. It should always come down to the contractual guarantees. 


" Fear and greed always sell, but please don’t allow that to happen to you. Black swan events do happen - it seems that they happen a lot. You cannot put your retirement plans on hold for a black swan event." —  Stan Haithcock.



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