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There is a reason your comfort zone is your comfort zone. Well, it’s comfortable. Yet, if we aren’t careful our comfort zone can become a trap – one that is difficult to get out of. Maura Sweeney ( knows a little bit about that.

At the age of 50, Maura stepped out of her comfort zone and took dance lessons – proving to herself and her daughter that there is a life outside of the comfort zone. The great thing about stepping out of your comfort zone expands your zone and makes other forays out of it that much easier.

Maura, Jean and I had an insightful and entertaining conversation about moving beyond familiarity and going into the unknown. Amazingly, it isn’t as scary as you might think.

Maura has even written a book about exiting your comfort zone. A free copy awaits Fun. Feisty. Fabulous! listeners. Just put Fun. Feisty. Fabulous! in the subject line and receive a downloadable copy of The Art of Happiness Vol I: Exiting Your Comfort Zone.