Even without a pandemic, a life with MS can be a lot to deal with. So, many of us will seek help for our mental health at some point. 

I know from personal experience how frustrating it is to have to explain exactly what MS is whenever I’m speaking to a new mental health therapist. Which is why I’m delighted that today’s guest is working to educate therapists about psychological difficulties that are specific to a variety of chronic illnesses, including MS.

Dr. Meghan Beier is a psychologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who specializes in MS. Her passion for improving care led her to create Find Empathy, which provides continuing education for mental health professionals on how best to serve patients who live with life-altering illnesses. 

Not only will Find Empathy provide learning for health professionals, but it will also help patients to find a provider with expertise in their particular condition. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Full show notes and resources at https://fumsnow.com/fums099/