Jenny Angus was very physically active, with a career in property management, when what she calls the Poltergeist took up residence in her life. Originally misdiagnosed in 2004, it took 10 years before she received her correct diagnosis of MS - during which time her disease had been left to run unchecked. Along the way, she had to stop her artistic career, which was so closely tied up with her identity. 

Jenny's story is a difficult one. She has investigated assisted dying, an arduous process that is legal in Canada. But with the help of her friends, family, and countless strangers, she is having HSCT (haematopoietic stem cell transplantation), an intense chemotherapy treatment for MS, in Mexico in January 2022.

Recently she has been helping others through her patient advocacy work, and she is planning on blogging (and vlogging!) through her HSCT treatment.

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