Visualization, also called guided imagery, is a powerful tool to help us be better at what we do. But even more importantly--at least from my perspective--is how visualization can help a person heal more quickly and be healthier in general.

Scientists have shown that, when we think of an event happening, whether it is an event that happened in the past that we are replaying, or something in the future that has not happened but that we anticipate, the chemicals and signals in our body act the same as if that event actually is happening AT THAT MOMENT.

So, your focused thoughts can create the same reactions in your body as the real thing. Listen to this podcast to hear more information about this, and how to use visualization to help you perform better, be happier, heal faster, and be healthier.

Oh... and there is a Bonus download for this episode. It is a guided visualization crafted to help a person whose back is injured, to heal faster and better. You'll hear more about it in this podcast, so feel free to download the Bonus visualization and share it with anyone you feel may benefit from it!

Also, please feel free to leave feedback for me, whether negative or positive! I want to know what you think.