We dive into the highlights and challenges of the 2024 American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) National Conference in Houston, Texas. Whether you're a seasoned PA or new to the field, this conference offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, career advancement, and comprehensive board review prep. Hear the incredible benefits of attending, from building vital professional connections to enhancing your general medical knowledge and earning essential CME hours. Join us as we explore how to make the most out of this major event in the PA profession.

One of the standout aspects of the AAPA National Conference is the chance to network with peers, mentors, and industry leaders. The conference is also a goldmine for job seekers, offering access to numerous large employers and potential job opportunities. You’ll learn the value of planning your networking strategy in advance, utilizing the conference app to schedule meetings, and making the most of your time in the expo hall.

Despite its many advantages, attending a large-scale conference like the AAPA can be overwhelming. There are also challenges of managing the extensive range of lectures and topics and providing practical tips to avoid conference burnout. From creating a realistic schedule that includes breaks to prioritizing your goals, Tracy offers strategies to help attendees stay focused and energized. 

She also underscores the importance of tracking your CME hours as you go and taking advantage of the app's features to streamline your experience. Tune in for a comprehensive guide to navigating the AAPA conference and maximizing its benefits for your career.

RESOURCESCV TEMPLATE https://tracybingaman.myflodesk.com/template


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Freed AI [DISCOUNT CODE: PA50] https://www.getfreed.ai


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⁠FREE 30-MINUTE COACHING CONSULT⁠ ⁠https://calendly.com/the-pa-is-in/gen-call⁠  


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