Depending on how in-depth or otherwise shocking the US Pentagon’s forthcoming UFO, or officially entitled “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), report happens to be, the British Ministry of Defence may reportedly re-open its own investigatory group into UFO activity.

This could be the start of a kind of new space race or Cold War between powers, trying to figure out before the other does what these objects are — if they are, in fact, real. And what the objects are doing here now, and whether they ultimately pose a threat to our planet and way of life.

One of the allegedly US Navy leaked tracking videos promoted by Jeremy Corbell and others in the press recently.

And as we covered earlier today, none of the major “commonsense” explanations for these sightings really ring true — the Pentagon was duped by some lens flare and a flock of seagulls? The US Navy, too? Doubtful.

The explanations for some of these sightings, and some of the more bizarre capabilities of the “trans medium vehicles” allegedly witnessed by the Navy, seem to be a stretch. Maybe the unusual explanation is actually the correct one: maybe these are craft not of this world.

Or maybe it’s a psyop of some kind, to scare the public into even further submission after a fifteen-month pandemic has brought many people to rely on and submit to authority, in ways they never had before.

What do you think? Let us know on our Facebook page:

Previous reporting:

US Navy Nuclear Submarines May Have Just Found An "Underwater Base" The High-Speed UFOs Are Going To - News 5.28.2021

Pentagon UFO Disclosure Theories Heating Up, With Just Days To Go Before Mandated Release