A number of different scenarios could play out in the days ahead — ultimately, we’re looking at something we don’t yet know the scope of, and it feels a little like early 2020 when the pandemic was first starting to take off.

People were seeing the case numbers rise, and all the social media reports of sickness, but there was a time of absorbing the new information — and for many, an extended period of disbelief… is this really happening?

Same with this troubling UFO disclosure information. Mainstream outlets including NBC and Fox have been reporting on the Pentagon’s disclosure dump to come (the deadline is June), so it’s not even a fringe or sidelined topic. Suddenly, the whole world is focused on UFOs. Weird times.

And although an independent researcher has made a fairly convincing argument that one of the US Navy’s leaked videos of an alien UFO encounter is actually lens bokeh (a refraction/lighting error), this doesn’t explain the Navy’s radar data, which is overwhelming, nor does it explain the numerous other videos leaked by the US Navy, some clearly tracking a physical object or fleet of objects moving at great speed above the surface of the water, and not merely tracking a lens distortion.

Is a real life War of the Worlds ahead? We may know within days.

We’ve seen some intriguing pop-up posts on the truther boards suggesting the whole UFO narrative is cover or a test for the Navy to try out new drone-based location “spoofing,” but if such a technology exists, it again does not explain the video evidence that has leaked already. Nor would it necessarily explain the instances where the unknown craft plunged into the water, registering great speeds from submarine-based sonar detectors.

Sonar and radar are different systems, and if the Navy has some extraordinary next-generation ability to cloak things that are out there, and to make phantoms that aren’t out there appear real… that almost seems as difficult to believe as little green men.

The technical requirements for such a spoofing program would be considerable, and warfare is moving in an asymmetrical / electronic direction anyway. Nearly everyone seems to agree the next engagement will be primarily economic or information warfare of some kind, not a flat out Colonial era engagement between various nations’ military navies on the open sea.

Perhaps more important, if such a next-generation technology exists, why would they trot it out now, for our adversaries to study and factor in? Why not keep it close to the vest?

Ultimately, we don’t know, we don’t have an answer yet. That bothers me. It’s entirely possible this whole thing is some bizarre psyop with unknown military-industrial ends or goals. It’s also possible the Pentagon and the US Navy are telling the truth, and in days all of us will be blown away by the reality we are either not alone, or are sharing the planet with a more advanced race, a race capable of building “transmedium vehicles,” as these high speed land and underwater objects have been termed by researchers.

If that’s the case, if the Pentagon is more or less telling the truth and has something very big to share with the world — then some of the posts on social media suggesting it’s all a psyop, or a next-gen radar cloaking system being shown off, could be the result of other nations’ militaries, or defense contractors, who feel “left out in the cold” to a degree… because they aren’t sure what the Pentagon is about to release, and they aren’t sure if the United States or other “first world” militaries have a relationship with these unknown beings of some kind.

Yet another possibility, the most terrifying and Lovecraftian of all, is that the objects are real — but our military has no idea what to make of them, as no real bilateral contact has been made. Think of how scary that is, if that’s the case: An alien race, building bases underwater and zipping to and fro with no regard for the native sapient species (us) that has already been here for millennia, and with technology hundreds of years ahead of our own militaries.

For now, it may be better they haven’t rolled out the red carpet for humanity, if they’re out there.

Because perhaps the message will be some variation of “We do not come in peace,” and I think the public is already quite tired from the last 15 months of pandemic horror show.

From what we hear, lawmakers in Washington are treating this as a genuine possible national security issue — not as a philosophical exercise to pass the time.

Continue reading: US Navy Nuclear Submarines May Have Just Found An "Underwater Base" The High-Speed UFOs Are Going To - News 5.28.2021