Speculation is heating up on some news sites that the US Pentagon’s mandated disclosure of what it has on the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or “UFO” issue across branches of the military it oversees could come as soon as tomorrow afternoon - Thursday, 6.3.2021 - although in keeping with other government disclosures and statements of the past, it would more likely be delivered by a press secretary on Friday, after or around close of business.

For decades, it’s been well-known practice to disclose big things on a Friday, when the unsavory details are less likely to get headline attention, and when the public is headed into the weekend — it cushions any shocking news.

Who knew Men in Black wasn’t campy 1990s big screen science fiction… but was actually strangely accurate pre-programming for Summer 2021?! Strange times here in America as we emerge from a nearly 15 month long pandemic.

And shocking this one may well be — instead of providing more speculation, let’s revisit what we know already: back in 2017, an object dubbed “Oumuamua” made a high-speed pass through our solar system, at nearly 200,000 miles per hour, and slingshotted around the Sun in a maneuver that had all the characteristics of something under directed propulsion… in other words, not a comet or other lifeless space debris, as some dismissed it at the time.

Oumuamua is actually one of the fringe topics covered in my new book, which is back in paperback (Amazon Prime eligible, too, speed of the gods!) — according to at least one well-respected astrophysicist at Harvard University, Oumuamua changes everything.

Although Oumuamua is long since gone from our little parcel of interstellar space, the tracking data on it are still available for analysis and were preserved meticulously, as it just flew through our solar system some nearly four odd years ago. Tracking data from both stations here on Earth, and from probes NASA has positioned precisely for tracking such high speed interstellar objects — of course, the assumption was that these objects are comets and such, not alien probes slingshotting themselves around the Sun for convenience’s sake.

Aside from Oumuamua, there’s the wealth of incredible yet overlooked data from S.E.T.I. over the years, that as I also explained in the book (I’m not even a big pro-UFO guy, by the way — just a data/deep analysis researcher, maybe among the best!), once you recalibrate for actual messy reality… for what a radio signal from a distant star system’s intelligent alien race might actually look like, then it seems our Earth has been hit with at least one or two such “non-random” radio signals.

Those signals should be re-examined using present day software and machine learning / pattern analysis, as the rubrics laid out in the 1970s for sorting through this radio data was premised entirely wrong, in the view of some.

Then, of course, there’s the wellspring of UFO encounters / government clean-up or recovery allegations from our neighbors to the North — the Canadians. Their version of Roswell happened almost exactly two decades after the purported Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947. Called the Shag Harbour UFO incident of 1967, it involved a friendly Canadian broadcast media encouraging witnesses to tell about what they saw to government researchers — in stark contrast to most media accounts of UFOs at the time, which were skeptical and dismissive.

As the Canadian government was working on a short deadline to recover whatever had possibly crashed and sunk off the coast of Nova Scotia, it wanted as much information as possible, so the media took a cooperative rather than dismissive stance.

Officially, the Canadian coast guard and Air Force did not recover any debris from the alleged 1967 crash.

Unofficially, however, some have speculated that the 1967 incident — little known to most in the west, outside of Canada — could provide a blueprint for the information to come from the Pentagon in the days ahead. In particular, that this may be some kind of “trans medium vehicle” capable of impressive speeds not only above ground, but beneath the surface of the water, as well.

Strange times all around. Bookmark FULCRUM, strap into our free daily updates podcast, and prepare for the best. Because if these craft… whatever they are… wanted the human race dead or enslaved, pretty sure we would be already. One military expert said these craft exhibit characteristics 100+ years in excess of our own militaries’, from a technological standpoint. In one alleged incident, a swarm or fleet of craft dropped in altitude by 80,000 feet within one second; an aeronautic feat that would obviously destroy nearly any human-made vehicle.

More advanced than us, yes.

Malicious? No evidence of such as yet.

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