Some good questions over on reddit, but it seems many newcomers to “Pizzagate” don’t understand the basic origin story, nor the ensuing coverup, nor how “Q” could have been a response to the free-wheeling, wide-ranging theories the public was naturally forming in response to millions of people online — many armchair or amateur researchers — reading Podesta’s “pizza” and “walnut sauce” emails…

Curious emails, about pizza dates for an hour and again all the bizarre walnut saucing references yet never a walnut sauce recipe attached or shared or linked to, and in all these crazy pizza references never any details… pepperoni? pizza? restaurant address? etc.

The only reference to a real restaurant seems to have been some weird psyop where a person shot up the pizza shop actually mentioned in the Podesta WikiLeaks emails multiple times, yet this restaurant was never of more than passing or incidental interest to researchers — the code language was the focus of Pizzagate, not any particular restaurant in DC or anywhere else.

Most bizarre of all, this weirdo’s ‘rampage’ consisted of only one bullet being fired, it harmed no one, in fact it lodged itself in the restaurant’s back office computer hard drive, rendering the hard drive unable to be analyzed by police at the scene afterward.

So, a $80 hard drive damaged beyond the point of readability, and no other damage to the place — no injuries or loss of life. And based on this, the media went with the story that “Internet Pizzagate theories fueled an armed rampage against a beloved pizza shop and its patrons in Washington, DC!!!!”

Again, as you can look up in official reports, the only damage was to a hard drive.

Farce. The emails are as real as they were back in 2016, when WikiLeaks released them. And the people in DC revealed by those emails — as weird as they were back then, if not more so; emboldened, because so many were misled, distracted, and silenced.

The allegations surrounding Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) only further show how entrenched underage sex trafficking has become in Washington… and although we find the term “PizzaGaetz” quite appropriate here, it is important to remember that the emails — never a pizza shop, and never a particular politician — were the original focus of Pizzagate.

If Gaetz is guilty of what he is accused of by authorities, it’s just further evidence that we were all played from 2017 onward… many in the truth community thought that conservatives or the populist wing of the House of Representatives would be able to tackle the growing tidal wave of sleaze… the Congressional sexual assault hush fund which came out, and all the rest… yet, it would appear conservatives turned a blind eye and a deaf ear because this is a truly bipartisan problem, and they didn’t want to go digging in their own swamp.

Especially as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been rotting in solitary confinement in the U.K. since 2019 as retribution for publishing these elites’ embarrassing emails, the truth community has an obligation to fully capitalize on and understand the information that he leaked to the world.

Continue | Pizzagate is simply real, Reddit never got that small part — The Illuminist