US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D - Minnesota) has said a string of things that echo centuries of antisemitic tropes & themes. Some of them she apologized for, some she kind of apologized for, some she sounded like she was apologizing for. Sure, people misspeak, misjudge or misunderstand their words sometimes - but this many times on the same subject? 

Is Rep. Omar antisemitic? Does she have some unconscious antisemitic attitudes?  Is she unaware of the dog whistles in her statements about Israel and how they have and continue to affect Jews and attitudes toward Jews? Is she just inexperienced at speaking on such a large public stage? And how much does she care?

And why is the Left (outside of a few notable figures) circling their wagons and 'protecting' her from learning from her mistakes?

Our panel, hosted by Steven Kerzner with Hafeez Noorani, Stuart Benson, Adrian Cooper and Justin Whitehead explore and debate a range of views. They do it in a civil manner, so try to follow their lead in your comments.

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