For a couple of decades, Michael Coren was Canada's right-wing megaphone. The journalist, broadcaster, author & speaker was pervasive in the media expressing his anti-gay, anti-abortion, hard-right views. But what made him so successful, and fearful to the Left, is that Michael is well-spoken, intelligent, doesn't suffer fools and has a rapier-like wit that his opponents couldn't match.

Today, we know a different Michael Coren - a loud & proud socially-liberal voice supporting equal marriage, a woman's right to choose abortion, caring for the poor and a champion of social justice causes.

How and why did this change take place? What personal journey took Michael from the dark side to progressive causes? And considering his social circle and professional income were tied-in with his then-conservative views, what did it cost him?

Michael's fascinating story shows us the courage it takes, in this age of tribalism and identity politics, to admit you were on the wrong side. A very personal story we can all learn from.

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