What Hazel has achieved since June

“In June, I decided to do something positive to make me feel better and fitter - if I get the dreaded COVID I want to be in a better place to fight it so I joined Fruci Fit!

At first I really wasn’t convinced that you could lose inches but not necessarily pounds so I started taking a photo at the end of each month.

It seems you can lose inches by doing little things everyday (and the days you don’t do the little things you don’t beat yourself up, you just move on to the next day 😊).

Chuffed I have lost 5.5kg but more chuffed that my waist has shrunk by 10cm and I can wear my size 12s again 🤣!

I’ve realised that to change how I look I have to change how I feel.

Matt talks about a stool needing 3 legs to stand, this makes total sense to me now.

You need to take care of yourself to succeed by taking a little time out each day to focus on you

This has been the biggest thing for me, lunchtime to eat lunch, finishing work in time to cook a meal rather than cheese and biscuits at 9pm, an evening walk before bed, a nap the odd afternoon at the weekend.

All these simple things have enabled me to look at myself and focus on me, then I can tweak food I eat and the exercise I do to help change my body shape. It’s not easy everyday but it’s easier most days.

And the results, they don’t happen overnight but they are consistent.

The support and the ease with which I can fit this in around my life are great, online, in person, live or recorded, everything is there when you need it and to suit you.

And the support of Matt and his team is really great - fitness is fun again, my heads in the right space and my clothes are too big! Oh and I sleep now at night 

PS - I haven’t had to give up wine! Phew!!!”


Helping Wiltshire ladies 40+ get fit and ditch the yo-yo dieting