Previous Episode: Introductions

In this episode, Eden and William speak with Dezeray from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, an organization that takes a "radical approach to disaster relief and to social movement organizing". We spoke about some of the obstacles that MAD Relief has to navigate in responding to natural disasters and climate catastrophes, how their organization functions with regards to the State, and how organizing at this level today will help in the coming years as climate change worsens and more and more people fall victim to cracks in the State's response to the increasingly severe climate events.

This episode's Solo Praxis segment focuses on identifying personal skill sets useful to organizing so that we know just what we have to offer to a collective effort and movement as unique individuals.

We also decided, beginning with this episode, to add in some light background music following some feedback from a comrade who sometimes struggles with auditory processing. They listened to a promo reel that we put together to send to potential interviewees, and they loved it despite the fact that they have struggled listening to podcasts in the past. They said that "the low level music in the background helped them so much in focusing on it and staying engaged, that as an autistic person they do not listen to many podcasts because they often cannot focus on just voices without additional noise". We realized that this is quite possibly an issue for many folks. Because we want to make Frontline Praxis accessible to as many people as possible, we decided to include some light and (hopefully) unobtrusive background ambience so as to help people like Eden's comrade without making it too distracting for folks who don't struggle with auditory processing.

As always, we invite and appreciate any feedback that you may have about this or any episode of Frontline Praxis.

Follow Mutual Aid Disaster Relief on Twitter @MutualAidRelief

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Episode transcript available here.

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