Creator and Founder of Surrender and Slay LLC
You are not everyone cup of tea, and that is the way it is suppose to be.

Miranda Werkhiser is a spiritual life coach who's montra is to surrender and slay.

We talk about learning to listen to your inner voice.  We all receive messages that come to us when we need to make a change, when we need to surrender to our life purpose.  Sometimes surrendering can be terrifying,  and it is okay to be scared.  Miranda tells me " I don't give up, but I give it up.. I surrender all I want, and all I don't want.  So when I slay, it is intensional and I can flow into my purpose.

There is a feeling that we get when there is a fuck yes in our life, that exciting feeling in our gut that we know that this is it.  This is your soul, or your spirit or the univerce trying to tell you that this is where you need to go.. put your attention here.

Miranda reminds us all that we are actually the most important person in our life. 
If you arent giving yourself your best self, then you are also unavailable to the people that love you.  If you arent filling your soul, whose life are you living?

Miranda's info:
instagram:  miranda_a_werkheimer
instagram: surrenderandslayllc