Janelle talks about leaving domestic abuse.  Janelle has had a difficult life.  This podcast gives you a window into Janelle's life.  We begin to understand why she stays, and why eventually she leaves alone, without her children.

If you’re afraid of your partner, that’s a big red flag. You may be scared to say what you think, to bring up certain topics, or to say no to sex. No matter the reason, fear has no place in a healthy relationship.

If you feel like you’re being abused, there’s a good chance you may be, and it’s worth getting help. Keep that in mind as you think about these signs:

Your partner bullies, threatens, or controls you:

Accuses you of having an affairBlames you for abuseCriticizes youTells you what to wear and how you should lookThreatens to kill you or someone close to youThrows things or punches walls when angryYells at you and makes you feel small

To find help:
To view a national list of transition houses, and to find a shelter in your area, please visit https://www.sheltersafe.ca/

The National Residential School Crisis Line: 1 866 925 4419

National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence

to get a hold of Janelle:

Her Podcast: Life Happens One Step At A Time: