Episode 47 - Paul Addicott

Paul Addicott is a pacer, that is, someone who helps others achieve the race time goals during marathons and half marathons, as a sort of guide, by running consistently at a given time. As Paul explains, he has been pacing since 2013 and he talks about how much pacing has changed, the role of the pacer, and why he does it.

Having paced at more than 80 races, Paul still has the desire to do a lot  more and we talk about what events he had planned were it not for Covid. There is more to just helping people cross the finish line, as he explains, the camaraderie between him and those he's pacing is more than just pounding the tarmac of the streets around the world. I even tell him about the time I couldn't catch him in Berlin!!!!!

We also discuss social media and how it feels to be on the receiving end of personal attacks and its impact. Paul speaks candidly and openly about this and we discuss what he did to overcome it. There is a lot more to Paul than meets the eye, which becomes apparent during our chat.

You can follow Paul on Instagram or check out his blog here

@pauladdicott and blog www.pickupthepacepaul.com

So here we go with episode 47 of Front Runner Radio



Music written, created and provided by Forever Vendetta © 
A Front Runner Events Production ©

*Note: This week's episode was recorded during lockdown on the 23rd February 2021 via Zoom and in live household environments, so please excuse any background noises. Please also be aware that certain topics/content discussed may have already been concluded or have different outcomes since the recording of this episode due to the live and fast-moving nature of said topics during lockdown.