This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series on the central figure—next to our Lord—of the Advent season: Mary the Mother of Jesus. We will walk through the biblical account of Mary as Luke’s gospel presents her in his opening chapters, starting first with the Annunciation (this Sunday), then with the Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (the next week), and then, finally, we will conclude our study with Mary’s song of victory better known as the Magnificat. You can study all these passages by perusing Luke 1, beginning with verse 26.

Allow me here to offer a brief word about Advent too. Whereas our culture tends to think of Advent as a fancy word for Christmas, Advent in Christian tradition is in fact a season of preparation, self-examination, and yes, even repentance. Are we really prepared for the return of the Lord? If Jesus returned today, for example, would you feel ready to meet him? Think of Advent, then, as a miniature Lent, a brief time of discipline, a clearing of the soul-clutter, before the celebrations of Christmas begin. Advent is to Christmas what Lent is to Easter, a time of fasting before the feast. You will see that classic understanding reflected over the next few Sundays in our worship.