In this week’s reading from Mark (1:29-39), Mark tells us that Jesus is in the region around the Galilee traveling from synagogue to synagogue teaching and healing, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. When the crowd began to die down, while it was still night, Jesus got up and went out to a secluded place to pray. Simon and the others went looking for him, and when they found him, they said, “Everybody’s looking for you.” It’s a beautiful scene. Everybody was looking for Jesus – to have their bodies healed, their minds cleared, their worries and fears calmed, their sins forgiven, their hopes fulfilled, looking for Jesus to give them peace, a chance to begin again, to experience new life. Jesus’ life was one of balance. He went away for prayer and communion with God, and he served those in need. We are called to the same balance. When we find it, that sacred equilibrium, we become good news for all who may be looking for Jesus.