This list represents items we would have said we couldn't live without several years ago. Choosing to travel changes your perspective on everything. You begin to understand the difference between routine and adventure; nice-to-haves and essentials; wishing and doing. Because the more we do, the less we need or want of the "things" that filled our lives in the past. Travel and adventure became our entertainment, and we are more fulfilled because of it.

And owning all that stuff is expensive! Tally your annual expenses to discover how much much you spend to maintain your life. By selling our home and eventually selling our cars, we saved more than $25K annually in expenses. We discovered we were captives to these expenses because we chose them. Once we freed ourselves from the "should haves" and "should dos" that were supposedly critical to happiness, we realized so much more living was possible.

The less "stuff" you have holding you down, the easier it is to travel. By eliminating the extra stuff, you'll be surprised by how much more money and time you have to travel.

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Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh