Photography is a huge part of your wedding, budget and otherwise.  We think it's important to try and cover all aspects of it including where it belongs during your planning and day of.  Today we have a guest here to help us explore timelines and trends of photography.

Our guest today is Kate Gansneder, Owner, and photographer for GSquared Weddings in Snohomish WA.  Kate is a professed nerd that is NOT a morning person. Her work has been featured in quite a few places including Seattle Bride's Instagram weekly top 5. She's here to give us photography timelines and a few trends.

Timelines Trends What's out What's in Favorite poses Coming trends What options do couples have regarding digital photography?

Kate gave us some great things to consider.  Including your photographer in your day of timeline just makes sense.  Like she said, your photographer is the one vendor other than your coordinator that will be there with YOU throughout the day.  He or She is closest to you all day.  Don't let this be a regret.

Remember you can reach us anytime by emailing [email protected]

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-Until next time, no stress, no worries, keep calm and listen on-