Benton Crane talks with Zach Atherton about Harmon Brothers latest initiative, the Writer’s Room. Together they discuss how Harmon Brothers is growing their brand to include world-class writing along with world class videos, how the Writer’s Room earned $14M with 3 scripts, what humor can do for your sales copy, and more.

04:32 What Is The Writer’s Room?
08:00 What Can Humor Do For Your Sales Copy?
11:03 Zach’s Poop To Gold Moment
19:00 How To Become “Undeniable”

You can find links to HB’s Writer’s Room Services as well as places to reach Zach below.

If you’re interested in learning more about Harmon Brothers, you can grab a copy of our book here.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share. Episodes published every Tuesday at 6 am EST. We’ll see you on the next one.

Find the Writer’s Room here:

Zach Atherton: