We live in a world where women are becoming more disillusioned with marriage and that sort of picture perfect thing. The pure statistics of marriage is that 60% of marriages will end in divorce. So you have a decent chance that that's going to end up being you or it's going to end up being someone really close to you. Learning how to support each other through all of the complexities of divorce, like having kids with an Ex then moving into a new relationship and building the new relationship, these are things that our mothers never had to do if they never went through a divorced.

We can't really go to them and ask them how they did it or get the support we really need. That's been the key in my relationship with Steena Marie. She had someone who had walked that path. When she came to me in struggle, I didn't just say "get a divorce". I helped her dig deeper because I know the importance of doing the deeper work.

Our emotions aren't right or wrong and neither are our choices. It's important to walk at the level of your Soul so that your choices are in alignment with you. This will allow you to feel empowered in your emotions, rather than feeling like your emotions are running the show.