๐—ก๐—ถ๐˜๐—ถ ๐—ก๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ท๐—ฎ๐—ต: โ€œThe biggest transformation for me has been over the last couple of years. It started very strangely. There wasn't an aim to sort of transform or to be anyone different. COVID hit when I was supposed to return to the office from parental leave with my second child. All of a sudden, I was working from home. I had been in my own bubble. I felt quite isolated at the time. I thought, how do I connect with people now that I'm out in the world, but I'm not out in the world. I'm connecting, but I'm not connecting. It was like, โ€˜what do I do for an outlet?โ€™ I had previously dabbled a little bit in writing on LinkedIn.

'I thought, you know what? I'm just gonna use this as a way to communicate with people I know.โ€™

I actually wasn't even thinking of it as posting on social media.

I just thought, โ€˜Okay, my colleagues, friends, and everyone are all on here. So Iโ€™ll use this platform to share what's going on for me, where I am, and some of the challenges that Iโ€™m facing during COVID working and having a 6 year old home as wellโ€™.

The more I wrote the more I reflected, and I slowly started living life differently. I became very aware of what was going on around me.

I remember watching my daughter interact with her baby brother, who at the time was about a year old. I had this out of body experience where I was sort of watching them, but not as me, kind of from somewhere else. It was like I was an alien watching this scene from a metaphysical position. This matched up with what Iโ€™d been learning about in an NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) course I was taking.

That sort of thing kept happening, and I thought 'this is amazing. I love it! I need to lean into this moreโ€™ and as I did my awareness kept growing.โ€ย 

Have a listen to learn more about Nitiโ€™s story of transformation!ย