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What do your fans want? They want an experience with your music, they want to be able to feel something when they listen to your music. Perhaps they don't know that yet, but it's actually the feeling and connection we have with music that draws us in, and more importantly, keeps us wanting more. 

In this episode I have a look at the creation cycle, step 1; we're inspired, step; 2 we physically produce that feeling or inspiration into song, then step 3, we allow other people to hear and connect with that song which completes the process. It's no good if we only do steps 1 & 2 then shelve it so that step 3 never happens. People need to hear/see and connect with what we've created.

This episode really dives into stage 3, so that we can double down on making sure our audience connects with our music, because once they do, you've got yourself a fan, and nurturing the relationship with that fan is the only way you're going to be able to make an income from your music. It's only when your fans are willing to trade their value (money) for the value you are offering with your engaging music experience that allows your to charge for your creation. Before that, everything we do or create, is just for fun.

So what is your product as a music artist?? It's an experience with your music. Thats what you're selling.

-  From Musician To Artist
A weekly podcast for musicians wanting to level up, and do music for a living without a label, and without a ton of money 

I record all my audio and videos at the Dotted Eight Studio
If you're interested in how we can work together to take your music where you want it to go, reach out to me at https://www,dottedeight.com

Intro/Outro music by Robbie Mortimer