Obviously I need to record my music, but it’s expensive, and my songs are nowhere near being ready to record. What if it wasn’t as far away as you thought it was? What if you could record your music and allow your audience to expand beyond the people in the same room as you? That way you’d appear like a real artist because you are an actual real artist! Recording your music, Lets talk about it

For enquires about how we could work together on your music head to my website https://www.dottedeight.com or email me at [email protected]

In this episode I look at 3 things around recording your music, 
1. Where do you start? I think the most effective place to start is with a single. One song that you can get in, gain some experience in the studio, learn for your experience and struggles, and get better. This way you get a feedback from your audience quickly, and you lower the cost by not having to come up with a huge lump sum.
2. When do I know I ready? You don’t have to have all the dots lined up, if you can play through the song, and you have a reasonable grasp of how you want it to go, I reckon you’re ready to record. Your producer/engineer will be able to assist you in getting it over the line. Both with their experience, and their access to quality session musicians.
3. What about recording from home? I say if you know what you are doing, go for it! Do as much as you can from home but just know your limits, know when its time to level up and get your project polished up by a professional who knows how to get you and your music results!
Hope you enjoy! Make sure you leave me a comment, let me know what you think about these concepts.
Subscribe to the channel for more talk about doing music for a living.

I create weekly podcast’s just like this one, about doing music for a living as an independent artist,  you can find those on YouTube, and your favourite podcast app.

From Musician To Artist

The podcast episodes are filmed and recorded in my studio, the Dotted Eight Studio. I am passionate about helping artists achieve their goals, and I would love to help you achieve yours.

From Musician To Artist - Spotify Link

Intro/outro music - Robbie Mortimer, Mountains & the Sea