Lockdowns are extremely tough on the music artist. When venues close down, love music is the first thing to go! It seems like an uncertain road back to the regular, dependable gig.. So what can we do to make sure our music survives the lockdown? How can we lock down proof our music, and keep walking forwards when the world around us stops? Thats what I'm chatting about in this episode.

This is taken from a live stream I hosted last week in the middle of a lockdown we had here, and it's a god conversation, I think it will help you out a lot, and hopefully bring you some encouragement, and a way forward.

In this episode you will learn
1. How to have a go getter approach to your music
2. The importance of getting your music online
3.  How to build a platform that you're in control of.

Robbie Mortimer Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGv0vwk98BWDB8oiATyRuA

Download my free songwriting guide! Https://www.dottedeight.com/artists It’s a check list style doc to make sure your songs engage with your audience, and grows your fan base.

From Musician To Artist is a podcast for musicians wanting to up skill and become recognised music artists. 
It covers the 5 stages of being a music artists 
1. Branding (the vision and direction for you and your music, as well as how your audience sees you)
2. Playing Your Music (from rehearsals, to live shows)
3. Songwriting (developing songs that form deep connections with your audience)
4. Recording (capturing your songs in the best possible way)
5. Promotion (getting your music out and in front of people, growing and audience)

It’s a weekly podcast series, both here on YouTube, and on your favourite podcast app.
I record all my episodes (audio and video) from the Dotted Eight Studio, reach out of I can help you with some of your music.

Intro and Outro music by Robbie Mortimer (Mountains & The Sea)