A question I get asked all the time is 'how do I get my music on Spotify' or 'can you help me get my music on to Spotify' So in this video I do exactly that. I explain the entire process, and share my screen as upload a song to Spotify and Apple Music.

The process seems daunting because it's different to everywhere else we upload, Instagram or YouTube we just upload our music or video and we're in control. For Spotify we're having to pay an aggregator (a digital distributor) to do that for us. In this video I explain what that distributor does, and why we need them.

The digital distribution company talk about in this video are
CD Baby
Distro Kid

If you've never done this before, this guide will take you step by step through the entire process, and hopefully answer all your questions.

If you're a songwriter, grab my free songwriting guide here https://www.dottedeight.com/artist It's like a checkbox style guide to make sure your song is ready to connect with your audience.

I record and film all my podcast episodes at the Dotted Eight Studio.

Intro and Outro Music by Robbie Mortimer