Getting signed to a record label is such an attractive idea for the music artist. Why? Because the labels know the music industry, and the have access to the audiences we want to be in front of.
Maybe it's not a label you're looking for, maybe it's just music publication or some sort of professional music representation. So what exactly do you need in order to get noticed by these guys? I explain 3 basic concepts in this episode
1. Gathering momentum by creating music
2. Building your online presence with quality music experiences
3. Growing an audience.
Do these three things well, and you're on your way to attracting that record label attention.

Goal Setting Download 

From Musician To Artist is a podcast for musicians wanting to up skill and become recognised music artists. 
It covers the 5 stages of being a music artist 
1. Branding (the vision and direction for you and your music, as well as how your audience sees you)
2. Playing Your Music (from rehearsals, to live shows)
3. Songwriting (developing songs that form deep connections with your audience)
4. Recording (capturing your songs in the best possible way)
5. Promotion (getting your music out and in front of people, and growing an audience)

It’s a weekly podcast series, both here on YouTube, and on your favourite podcast app.
I record all my episodes (audio and video) from the Dotted Eight Studio, reach out of I can help you with some of your music.

Intro and Outro music by Robbie Mortimer (Mountains & The Sea)