I explain my full recording process! From preproduction through tracking / recording, editing, mixing and mastering. What is the engineer / producer doing? And what can you (the artist) expect during the recording process.

Every studio will probably approach this slightly differently, this is a detailed unpacking of how I approach recording so that you can get a clearer picture of what happening behind closed doors. I've learned through years of working with artists that when this recording process is explained up front, it relaxes the artist, you know what you're up for, you know where you're heading, and you can trust the process and the engineer / producer.

If you're sitting on the fence unsure of whether you should hit the recording studio or not, This walk through should help teach you all you need to know about the entire recording process, from pre production all the way through to the finished master

If you need help writing better songs so that you can make the most of your recording, you can download my free song writing guide here https://www.dottedeight.com/artist

From musician to artist is a free resource to help musicians unlock the necessary skills and tools to become recognised music artists, we cover Music artist branding, Playing live / getting better gigs, Songwriting, recording, and promotion

My name is Craig Honeysett, All my podcasts are recorded at the Dotted Eight Studio 

Intro/Outro music by Robbie Mortimer