Join Art and Zoe for the Season 2 Finale of From Art to Zoe : Apocalypse. This marks the end of Spring, their second season in the bunker. 

After last week's fiasco, Zoe is determined to get back on track! She is nothing if not professional. She carefully curated the emails this week to bring only top notch content on the topic of children. But Art will have nothing to do with it, instead preferring to focus on the apocalypse or whatever other thing he's rambling about this week. HIs latest theory is something you'll want to hear about because if you're an innocent survivor, you might be a victim. And if you aren't... then you don't need to hear this broadcast ever again. If you've survived the apocalypse (so far), are seeking some advice, or simply have a great story to tell: join the story at any time by emailing Zoe at [email protected]. As far as Art and Zoe know, your email won't be intercepted or used for any nefarious purposes. 

Next week starts Season 3. Along with some serious Summer heat waves, Season 3 has lots of exciting things in store.