Mary sits at the feet of Jesus with the men rather than go work in the kitchen with Martha as the social custom of the day would have expected. Martha is frustrated that Mary isn't in the kitchen with her. Martha complains to Jesus rather than going to Mary herself. Jesus supports Mary's decision to do what was on her heart. Jesus' answer challenges Martha to follow her heart. The Greek word that is translated in English as "better" means good, profitable, generous, upright, virtuous. Mary chose what was good because it was what she felt in her spirit she needed to do. It's important for us to hear that Jesus supports Mary in her decision. As human beings we are called to be an Image of God. When we live true to ourselves, even if people disagree, we are most fully being the person God calls us to be and we can be assured of God's graces to keep us there. The Will of God will never lead us where the Grace of God cannot keep us.