As we reach the end of a tough year, we’ve noticed the topic of resilience coming up regularly in conversations we’re having and content we’re seeing. 

In this episode, we delve into what it means to show resilience as a creative business owner and ask how we can cultivate more - during a global pandemic or otherwise. 

Using an article from Psychology Today as the basis for our conversation, we chat through the ‘seven skills of resilience’, discussing how we might apply them to running a business and touching on things like support systems, mindset and more.

The seven skills of resilience:

1: Cultivate a Belief in Your Ability to Cope

2: Stay Connected With Sources of Support

3: Talk About What You’re Going Through

4: Be Helpful to Others

5: Activate Positive Emotion

6: Cultivate an Attitude of Survivorship

7: Seek Meaning


Links and further reading/listening:

Seven Skills of Resilience