Friends of the Show episode 35 with @SteveVSNinjas “Later, he was to decide that Andrew’s life had been fractally weird. That is, you could take any small piece of it and examine it in detail and it, in and of itself, would turn out to be just as complicated and weird as the whole thing […]

Friends of the Show episode 35 with @SteveVSNinjas

“Later, he was to decide that Andrew’s life had been fractally weird. That is, you could take any small piece of it and examine it in detail and it, in and of itself, would turn out to be just as complicated and weird as the whole thing in its entirety.”

― Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

Steve is a very funny and nice Twitterer and is pals with all the cool people online. I love a good name sake on the podcast even if he spells it incorrectly.

Steve’s Story: Never Trust an Optimistic Mountaineer

My friend Glenn is a super positive person, but when I go climbing with him, when things go wrong, his never give up attitude leads us to trouble, like the first time, when we went climbing at Smith Rock State Park.

Talking Twitter:

Ask a question for next weeks guest: “If you could go anyplace and live there for ONE YEAR, where would that be and why”

Steve’s Tweets:

Blind guy: I love this half-sandwich restaurant.
Me: What do you mean? This place only serves whole-
Service dog: *puts a paw on my lips*

— Steve vs Ninjas (@stevevsninjas) January 14, 2017

My pick:

At tax time, sandpeople file "single" to hide their numbers.

— Steve vs Ninjas (@stevevsninjas) August 29, 2017

Steve’s Picks:


Me: "Do you mind if I say a word?"

Widow: "Please do"

Me *clears throat: "Plethora!"

Widow: "Thank you. That means a lot."

— Frank Whitehouse (@WheelTod) September 3, 2017

Watches romance flick backwards to see an insipid woman who lives solely for a man blossom into an individual with her own life

— batkaren (@batkaren) October 6, 2016

Questions from Twitter:

About the Ninjas:

Without endangering the mission, what can you tell us about your strategy versus the ninjas?

— R.E.W. (@therealeatwood) December 2, 2017

Exactly how many ninjas have you defeated in battle?

— Jill la Jill (@JillianKarger) December 3, 2017

Are the giant Chinese throwing stars cleverly displayed on your wall as “suns” awkward to wield?

— xtine (@cmfh111) December 3, 2017

How long have you guys been performing together? What made you name the band ‘Steve and the Ninjas’?

— bun (@eminmien) November 30, 2017

Tell me about that pupper, please. I need more info on the pupp

— jess the halls with boughs of holly (@jessokfine) December 3, 2017

what’s the furthest you’ve driven to buy a food item?

— Timmy (@TheTimmyToes) December 3, 2017

Suddenly you can only get around using a unicycle, a Segway, or moonwalking. Which do you choose?

— Radolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer (@FeelingEuphoric) December 3, 2017

And why? Follow up: now you only have one foot, so you have to use your hands. Which one now?

— Radolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer (@FeelingEuphoric) December 3, 2017

Thanks so much to Steve for joining me this week!

Tune in next week for another episode!

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