Friends of the Show episode 19 with Abby Cohen @AbbyCohenWL “I’m against picketing but I don’t know how to show it.” – Mitch Hedberg Abby is one of the funniest people on Twitter, truly some of the great all time tweets and I am extremely lucky to have her as a Friend of the Show! […]

Friends of the Show episode 19 with Abby Cohen @AbbyCohenWL

“I’m against picketing but I don’t know how to show it.” – Mitch Hedberg

Abby is one of the funniest people on Twitter, truly some of the great all time tweets and I am extremely lucky to have her as a Friend of the Show! Welcome Abby! Oh great pick for a quote. Mitch is great!

STORY: “Thank god for Brazil Butt Lift.” This should be a good one! No butts were harmed in the making of this story.

Abby’s Tweets:

Most people who say "I'm bad with names" mean they can't remember them. But I'm bad with names in another way. Anyway, meet my son Whoreface

— It's Abby. Yep. (@abbycohenwl) June 9, 2017

Realized I never said "unquote" after reciting a famous poem in 10th grade. Sorry if you thought everything I've said since is Shakespeare

— It's Abby. Yep. (@abbycohenwl) March 23, 2015

*releases helium-filled heart balloon*
Me: You're free now
Balloon: Ima choke a bird

— It's Abby. Yep. (@abbycohenwl) February 15, 2015

Abby’s Picks:

From Joe West

SECURITY GUARD: [speaking into the cuff of his shirt] The president is on his way to the car

— Joe West (@joejwest) March 2, 2015

From Audi Penny

"Well, this is me," I say climbing into a plant so that we're no longer walking in the same direction after saying goodbye

— audrey farnsworth (@audipenny) August 22, 2014

From Cat Damon

Hello everyone this is your pilot speaking. If u look out the windows on your left youll see some fish. This is the worst Ive ever messed up

— Cat Damon (@CornOnTheGoblin) April 10, 2016

Questions from Twitter:

From Friend of the Show Gwen Lawson (episode ?)

If you could choose to be reincarnated as any non-human animal, what would that animal be?

— Just Gwen (@msgwenl) July 26, 2017

From Next Week’s Friend of the Show, Timmy!

1) Is cinnamon toast better with butter or peanut butter?
2) what's the worst thing you've yelled while driving?

— Timmy (@TheTimmyToes) July 26, 2017

From Jeff

Hi Abby! Hi FOTS! As you seem to have it down to a T, what is your recipe for wonderfulness?

— Jeffw (@Jeffwni) July 26, 2017

From Jeremy G

Before "It's Abby. Yep." did you refer to yourself as "My identity is Abigail. Affirmative." ?

— Jeremy G (@JeremyCanadian) July 26, 2017


— Sneaky Giftkicker (@TheSadnesses) July 27, 2017

Thanks to everyone who submitted a question and please follow @FOTSPod on twitter and send a question to be asked on a future show!

Wrap up: In her email she wrote: I can do a laugh that sounds kind of like a dolphin. So…lets hear it!

Thanks so much to Abby for joining me this week!

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