What’s your first thought when you get a notification from LinkedIn saying “You appeared in X searches this week”?

Do you want to know immediately who they are, why they’re interested in you?

Perhaps a more pressing question is - what did they discover when they searched for you?

As a LinkedIn specialist, Karen Hollenbach says the platform is so much more than Facebook for professionals and refutes that it’s even part of the social media cohort.

“It can be a fantastic source of information, a place to learn, a place to stay connected, a place to be found and a place to manage your online reputation.”

Karen is the first non-lawyer to feature in the Friends in Law podcast because her insights into this powerful platform are helpful no matter what age or stage your legal profession is at.

From thought leadership (“is not for everyone”) to the basics of using good photos (“you wouldn’t walk into a room with a paper bag on your head!”) to cheering others on from the sidelines even if you’re not ready to commit the time to regular posts.

“The reason why a lot of people approach myself and my team is because they see people who aren’t as competent as them, shining brighter on LinkedIn.”

“I don’t like comparison, I think it’s really dangerous but the reality is most of the clients we work with have completely under-represented themselves online - that’s a career limiting move.”


LinkedIn for Lawyers (and all other professionals)   Personal branding and marketing    Career planning Managing your personal online brand Legal careers   Enjoyed the podcast? Share and Enjoy!  Please don't forget to leave a rating via Apple Podcasts Never miss a drop by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or Spotify If you want to talk about your career in law reach out to us here   Or why not connect with Alex on LinkedIn    Credits

Host: Alex Correa - Career Coach in Law

Brought to you by Alex Correa Executive  

With thanks to our guest : Karen Hollenbach

Friends in Law is edited and engineered by Cold Ghost (aka Fletcher Babb)  Produced by Bern Young