“So many people I’ve spoken to say their concern is, a career in law is just not sustainable.”

It’s not a new issue to regular listeners of Friends-in-Law, however in the past this fear around career longevity and career intensity has mostly been a wake-up call from working parents.

So if it’s not about children, what kind of work-life balance are young lawyers  looking for? And what do firm managers need to understand in order to get the best from early career lawyers?

Minnie Hannaford is an Associate at Holding Redlich and newly appointed President of the Queensland Law Society’s Future Leaders Committee.

“As much as we do want to progress in our career .. We also want to have lives outside of law and outside of work.”

“We struggle with knowing how to say that without it being a career limitation, without it sounding like, you’re not committed to the work.”

“I actually think it’s quite the opposite, we want to have a balanced and joyful life so we can perform at work.”


Early career lawyers  Managing and Leading Gen Y Lawyers  Mid-Career drop off  Sustainability of a career in law Mental health 

This podcast tackles the topics of mental health and ageism.  Visit Developing Talent if you are looking for fun and innovative ways to build confidence and capability around these issues of diversity and inclusion within your organisation.   

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Host: Alex Correa - Career Coach in Law

Brought to you by Alex Correa Executive  

With thanks to our guest : Minnie Hannaford

Friends in Law is edited and engineered by Cold Ghost (aka Fletcher Babb)  Produced by Bern Young