It is extremely important to me that people see their doctors before doing burnout coaching with me because sometimes we find something out that’s an easy fix. Maggie was EXHAUSTED and waking up unrested. She went to her doctor and found out she had slight sleep apnea. Now, she sleeps with a CPAP machine and wakes up earlier than ever with energy to spare. I’ve had other clients and patients find out that they had thyroid issues, anemia, low-level chronic infections, and more. I was so glad to hear Maggie talk about this in her episode because it’s so important. No matter how much I love natural health and Chinese medicine, you NEED to know your labs!

Maggie organizes her time; she has space for rest, for time, and for fun - all scheduled in. This is what boundaries mean to her and she explains that she would judge herself for resting before her burnout and really needed to learn that rest was ESSENTIAL and not ‘Lazy’ or ‘Selfish’ because success, to that point, for her had come by ‘pushing through’.

We also talk about feeling stuck in life and how to get out of it.
You know you’re stuck if:
You feel like there is something missing - that’s how you know you need to explore and listen to the whispers

TO trust your whispers
Look at what you desire
Allow yourself the discomfort of saying No
Allow yourself to disappoint people.

Show Notes:

Maggie's website

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