So, here’s the Q: I’m burnt out and overwhelmed, how do I start to heal?

This is a massively important question and I’ll tell you what I realized recently on some free consults - most of the time, there is a physical component of your burnout that needs to be dealt with BEFORE you head into the inner boundaries, mindset, proper energy spending, and unraveling trauma (and and and).

This means that just last week, I shifted my offer to allow people the chance to use basic Chinese medical techniques and nutrition on themselves to create more physical health before we dive into our ‘coaching’ work.

One of the biggest issues I see in the burnout world, and honestly the coaching world at large, is that we have ignored the physical body. Now, don’t go mental on me, I know that your mental and emotional state has an effect on the physical body AND at the same time, I know that if your body is spending 40 out of 100 units of your daily energy on brain fog because you’re not drinking enough water, I’d rather have you up your h2o intake for 3-4 weeks and allow that to clear. This means that when we start coaching, you have as much energy as possible available to actually do this work.

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