Many articles that talk about burnout make the mistake of devaluing self-care as a burnout prevention or recovery tool. But self care isn’t all just pedicures and massages, and it can be a huge factor in burnout recovery. When you take away self-care, it puts the entire focus on the systems in place that cause burnout, which may lead people to believe there is nothing they can do to influence their burnout recovery. In today’s #straightfromcait episode, Cait explains 8 factors affecting burnout that are within our locus of control.

Are you feeling like you have no control over any of the causes of your burnout? The first step is to figure out which factors are internal and which are external. If your burnout is caused mostly by external factors such as your job, then you know to start making an exit plan. Not all factors are external, and many internal factors are within our control. By getting reacquainted with our core values, learning to set boundaries, and beginning to meet our most basic foundational bodily needs, you can reduce the factors that contribute to burnout. 

Tune into this week’s #straightfromcait episode for a conversation about how certain types of self care are pivotal for burnout recovery. Learn the 8 factors within our internal locus of control that can help you heal from burnout. 


• “Waiting for the system to change while you're already burned out is not a successful plan.” (3:27-3:32)

• “You might not be able to change the system, but you can leave it.” (6:50-6:54)

• “Knowing what your values are, and taking action to move yourself toward a life that is more aligned with them will catapult your recovery. Being in alignment matters. I don't mean this in a woowoo way. I mean this in a neuroscience way. If you are living a life that does not match your values, about 75 to 80% of the time, you are creating stress for yourself on a regular basis that your body has to react to.” (12:21-12:50) 

• “It is really, really difficult to notice and meet your bigger needs when your basic needs are ignored. Work on being in your body enough to notice when you are thirsty, tired, have to use the bathroom, your eyes need a break from the screen, you’re full from eating, your body is asking you to move. The basics. When you start caring for yourself on that very base level, you start to believe you are deserving of even more care.” (16:33-17:35)



Harrington, R. Personality and Stress. Stress, Health, and Well-Being: Thriving in the 21st Century. Boston. Cengage. 2013. 9781111831615. Ch. 6. pp. 171-208.



If you know that it’s time to actually DO something about the burnout cycle you’ve been in for too long - book your free consult today:

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