One of the most frequently asked questions I get from clients and in the FRIED. Facebook Group is: “But, how do I start my burnout recovery?” When you are absolutely mentally and physically depleted, figuring out where or how to start feeling better is daunting to say the least. You know you want to get better, but you might not feel like you have it in you to try. 


First off, I want to say congratulations! Recognizing that you are burnt out and ready to start feeling better is a massive step. Now that you’re in that head space, I have created a series of resources for you to make the start of your recovery journey as simple and straightforward as possible. 


• First, you’ll want to go to your doctor for a FULL physical examination. I’m talking blood work, a urine analysis… all of it. This will help you identify, correct and/or rule out any physical reasons for your fatigue right off the bat.

• Next, you’ll want to take my Resentment Journal Mini Course. Unfortunately, you can’t just will away resentments by “thinking positive.” Instead, you’ll need to begin where you are and transform those resentments into boundaries and spare energy.

• Lastly, you can uncover your core values with my free resource, linked below. This will help you identify what you love and care about most, so you can stop carrying or holding onto things that don’t meaningfully serve you.


And, of course, you can always reach out for support at any stage of this process. Whether it’s joining one of my free weekly calls or contacting another wellness professional you feel might benefit your recovery journey, there is someone out there who is just waiting to support you. You can do this! 



• “I gathered a really easy beginning series of steps for you to take that will help you carve out a path towards recovery without you having to do too much thinking.” (01:42-01:54)

• “It is so important for you to realize that as soon as you are able to name the problem, as soon as you realize that what you are going through is burnout, your recovery started. That awareness is so crucial.” (02:21-02:36)

• “By watching your resentments, you’ll be able to find some tasks and some behaviors that you can get rid of, probably without talking to anyone else or doing anything else. You’ll just be able to stop doing some things.” (04:25-04:37)

• “When you are in the muck, you’ve got to meet yourself in the muck.” (05:53-05:57)







If you know that it’s time to actually DO something about the burnout cycle you’ve been in for too long - book your free consult today:


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