Annie McDonnell stayed in a job that used up all her energy for 18 years and it wasn't until she left that she realized how much energy she was using at the office day by day just to cope with emotional tension. Following a pair of illnesses in her family, she gave herself permission to explore her curiosity and found that by allowing herself to try, she found out how much energy passion and purpose provide.
Now, Annie practices acupuncture in NYC, at her office: Joy Alchemy Acupuncture and her services include Vibrational Facials that combine acupuncture, sound healing, and crystal healing to give you that less wrinkled glow that we all need after dealing with the stress and pollution of the city!






Hi! It's Cait, host of FRIED. The Burnout Podcast.
(all show notes are at that link ;))

My favorite thing about this podcast is listening to your feedback.

I love hearing,

'I stumbled onto this podcast while looking for something else.. every episode has me nodding like a bobblehead. A must listen'


'I was listening to the interview with Donna Steward and SUDDENLY everything made sense ... I cried tears of recognition'

Be sure to add your voice to the mix by leaving a review and joining the conversation on Instagram!

Talk to you soon!