5G is a transformational change from 4G. 5G has the potential to provide 20X faster data speeds and carry a massive amount of data for a large number of simultaneous users.

Like the innovations that changed the world before, 5G is making a whole new era possible. 5G will enable giant advances in VR, AR, AI, robotics and totally new technologies. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology. But users will know it as one of the fastest, most robust technologies the world has ever seen. That means quicker downloads, outstanding network reliability and a spectacular impact on how we live, work and play. The connectivity benefits of 5G will make businesses more efficient and give consumers access to more information faster than ever before. Super-connected autonomous cars, smart communities, industrial IoT, immersive education—they all will rely on 5G.

Jesús G. Román is Chief Legislative Counsel and Associate General Counsel for Public Policy and Regulatory Matters at Verizon Communications with primary responsibility over Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon, Hawai’i, Utah and Washington. He also serves as Vice-President of External Affairs. Jesús started his legal career at Pillsbury Madison & Sutro in 1993, and worked at a law firm in Puerto Rico for nearly three years before beginning his current position in 2003. He obtained his legal degree from the University of California at Berkeley's Boalt School of Law, where he was a member of the California Law Review. He received a Master in Public Affairs, with an emphasis on Domestic Policy, from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School and received his undergraduate degree from UCLA.

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