Every week, the Friday Coffee Meetup brings together a cross-section of interested innovators (investors, entrepreneurs, programmers, CTO's, VC's, angels, etc) who are eager to more actively engage with other members of our local community at the Cross Campus co-working space in Pasadena. These sessions occur every Friday from 8:15am to 9:30am and are informal. We typically have a short structured presentation on a specific topic or do a deeper dive on a local company. All interested parties are welcome to attend. You can learn about upcoming meetups and about how you can attend in person at FridayCoffeeMeetup.com (http://fridaycoffeemeetup.com/)

Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEpMLu3sr... (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEpMLu3srTmz_hbS0ucCBQ)

The weekly Friday Coffee Meetup is brought to you by Echo-Factory, a Pasadena-based marketing and advertising agency that specializes in helping healthcare, consumer goods, cleantech and aerospace companies achieve rapid, sustainable growth. Echo-Factory’s CEO Mike Schaffer is a co-founder and co-host of the Friday Coffee Meetup. If you’re interested in how Echo-Factory could help your company achieve rapid, sustainable growth, you can learn more at echo-factory.com (https://echo-factory.com/).