I am so excited to have Alec Zeck on the show for what is now Raw Health Rebel Podcast's season finale. On a personal level I have a huge amount of respect for Alec and all he has done on the health freedom movement and his podcasts kept me company during many a lockdown. Alec shares his story of how he found the meaning of true health and how his family healed both on mental and physical levels with alternative therapies labelled by the conventional system as 'pseudoscience.' Alec shares why he is motivated to speak up, why he started the rocketship that is now the 'Health Freedom for Humanity' movement, what people can do at an individual level, what he does to keep healthy and vibing high and finally his greatest wish for humanity.

You can connect with Alec on his instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/_al_boogie_/

and his backup account here:


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Alec_Zeck

Telegram: https://t.me/TheWayFwrd

Health Freedom for Humanity:

Website https://healthfreedomforhumanity.org/

Telegram https://www.instagram.com/healthfreedom4humanity/

Music: Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic

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